Flieger is a leading China Tsa Lock Trolley Bag manufacturer, supplier and exporter. Adhering to the pursuit of perfect quality of products, so that our Tsa Lock Trolley Bag have been satisfied by many customers. Extreme design, quality raw materials, high performance and competitive price are what every customer wants, and that's also what we can offer you. Of course, also essential is our perfect after-sales service. If you are interested in our Tsa Lock Trolley Bag services, you can consult us now, we will reply to you in time!
Flieger Luggage Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2010, located in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang province, China. The company has advanced equipment and technology, a group of staff are full of energy and creative spirit. Flieger is specialized in bag,travel luggage and trolley case.
Room 501-4, Block 36, Hangzhou Bay New Economic Park, Jiaxing City, Jiaxing Port District, Zhejiang Province +86-13484132419 erick@flieger.com.cn zjc900825